
Chief Men Among the Brethren(在弟兄中作首領的)

  最近在看一本書,書名叫作Chief Men Among the Brethren。本書記述一百位在十九世紀所興起的「弟兄運動」中比較特出的弟兄之小傳,包括比較為人熟悉的達秘(John Nelson Darby)、戚伯門(Robert C. Chapman)、慕勒(George Muller)、麥敬道(或譯作馬金多,Charles Henry Mackintosh)等,由不同人所撰寫,然後由Henry Pickering編集。

  這本書的書名應是取自使徒行傳第十五章二十二節,那裏說到耶路撒冷教會揀選了猶大和西拉一起,陪同巴拿巴和保羅前往安提阿,聖經介紹猶大和西拉兩位弟兄為「這兩個人在弟兄中是作首領的」,英王欽定本譯作 ”chief men among the brethren"。十九世紀「弟兄運動」中的弟兄們,也常被稱作The Brethren,中文或作「弟兄會」。因此本書的書名應該有一個意思,就是記述弟兄會中間作首領的人。

  按我的印象,這書是十多年前於美國里次蒙(Richmond, Virginia)參加特別聚會時所買的。過往只看過少許, 最近再拿起來一個一個人物來看。每一個人物小傳的篇幅不多,基本上每一篇都附上弟兄的照片,文章介紹這弟兄的背景,怎樣信主得救,怎樣看見神心意中的聚會,看見事奉沒有聖職人員和平信徒之分,乃是信徒皆祭司,有更多篇幅記述這弟兄怎樣服事的事蹟。



Anderson, Peter Greenhill
Anderson, Sir Robert
Anderson-Berry, Dr. David
Arnot, Frederick Stanley

Baedeker, Dr. Frederick, W.
Bellett, John Gifford
Bennet William Henry
Bewley Henry
Bland, F. C.
Brealey, George

Caldwell, John R.
Carrick, The Earl of
Cavan, The Earl of
Cecil, Lord Adalbert
Chapman, Robert Cleaver
Code, John Marsden
Collingwood, William
Congleton, Lord
Craik, Henry
Crawford, Dan
Cronin, Dr. Edward
Crosbie, William Talbot

Darby, John Nelson
Deck, James George
Dennett, Edward
Denny, Sir Edward, Bart.
Dickie, John
Dorman, William Henry
Dyer, Henry

Farnham, Lord
Fegan, James W.C.
Fenn, Albert R.
Forlong, Gordon
Francis Samuel Trevor
Frowde Henry, M.A.

Grant, F.W.
Groves, Anthony Norris
Groves Henry
Guicciardini, Count

Hall, Captain Percy Francis
Halliday, General John S.
Hambleton, John
Harris, James L.
Hawkins, James E.
Health, Henry
Henry, T. Shuldham
Hill, Richard
Hinman, Charles H.
Holiday, Alfred J.
Howard, John Eliot
Hull, Captain Thomas Hillman
Hutchinson, Francis

Jones, Theodore B.

Kelly, William
Kingscote, Captain R.F.

Lincoln, William

M'Killiam, Dr. Robert
M'Vicker, John G.
Mackintosh, Charles Henry
Maclean, Dr. J. L.
Mahony, Richard J.
Marshall, Alexander
Midlane, Albert
Miller, Andrew
Miller, T. B.
Moorhouse, Henry
Morley, John
Muller, George

Neatby, Dr. Thomas
Newberry, Thomas

Ord, Harrison
Owens, Richard W.

Penstone, John Jewel

Rhind, Captain William Graeme
Ritchie, John
Rossetti, Teodoro P.
Ross, Donald
Ryan, Thomas

Schofield, Dr. Alfred T.
Socbell, John N.
Scott, Maj.-Gen. Sir Charles
Smith, Joseph Denham
Snell, Hugh Henry
Soltau, Henry William
Stancomb, Joseph
Stanley, Charles
Stewart, Alexander
Stokes, William James
Stoney, James Butler
Strong, Leonard
Stuart, Clarence Esme

Taylor, Herbert Wilbraham
Trench, George Frederick
Trotter, William

Victor, John

Wellesley, Captain Hon. William H. G.
Wigram, George V.
Wolston, Dr. Walter T. P.
Wright, James

Yapp, William


